
Why Most Car Accident Cases Don’t Go to Trial

If you drive a car, any day could be the day that you get into an accident. An estimated $871 billion is spent on car accidents in the United States each year. There are over 220 million people on the road every day, so car accidents are bound to happen at some...

Are You Prepared for Metro Detroit Roads in the Winter?

The already bad metro Detroit roads are always made worse in winter conditions. Another winter has arrived in Detroit, and with the city experiencing a population boom, there are more cars on the road. With more cars and slick conditions, we’re sure to...

Detroit’s Dog Bite Problem Persists

Michigan is known for its beautiful lakes, the longest shoreline in America, and friendly people. But unfortunately, it’s known for one more thing: dog bites. Though it’s 2019, Michigan’s dog problem persists. The Great Lakes State is one of the top...
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