Did you know about 2.35 million people are injured every year on American roads?
While nobody embarks on a journey thinking they will be in an accident, accidents do happen. What next?
Of course, the first thing to do is seek first aid or treatment. Next, hire an auto injury law firm.
But if you have little or no experience hiring personal injury lawyers, it’s easy to make mistakes along the way and end up with a rookie or incompetent lawyer.
In this article, we’re revealing what you should look for when hiring an injury law firm. Read on.
Consider Car Accident Experience
Look for a law firm that specializes in auto injuries and dig into their experience. Ask how many auto injury suits they’ve litigated, as well as the number of auto injury claims they’ve handled and successfully secured compensation
Ask how many auto injury suits they’ve litigated, as well as the number of auto injury claims they’ve handled and successfully secured compensation
Be wary of law firms that throw figures around without any proof. They should be able to provide testimonials from past clients.
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Evaluate the Auto Injury Law Firm’s Reputation
Reputation takes ages to build.
A law firm with a great reputation not only means they’re excellent at what they do but also have been in the game for a long time.
The challenge is, how do you evaluate law firm reputation in a state with hundreds of law firms?
Simple. Begin by asking your relatives and friends. Chances are someone close to you knows a competent law firm in Michigan.
Get a couple of names, then go online and research further. What are people saying about these firms?
Keep in mind, a couple of negative reviews doesn’t automatically discredit an otherwise solidly reputable law firm. In law practice, as in life, there will always be pockets of people dissatisfied with what you do.
Prioritize Firms Offering a Lawyer Dedicated to Your Case
In business, a good reputation means clients will keep knocking on your door.
For a law firm, this sometimes means more clients that it can handle. When this happens, it’s common practice for one lawyer to take up multiple cases.
Do you really want this? Well, while it could be unavoidable, it’s advisable to focus on finding a law firm that will promise to dedicate a lawyer to your case.
Even if your lawyer takes up other cases, the firm should promise that you’ll have always access to the lawyer.
A dedicate lawyer means they will have more time to evaluate the facts of your case and compile a water-tight claim or lawsuit.
How Comfortable Are Your With the Assigned Lawyer?
You should be completely comfortable with the lawyer the firm assigns to your case.
Evaluate their personal reputation, legal experience, and communication skills to determine whether they’re a fit.
If the lawyer checks all the boxes but you still somewhat feel uncomfortable, you may want to move on to your next option.
Find the Injury Law Firm That Deserves You
You’ve been injured in a car accident. All you want is justice.
Finding the right auto injury law firm may not heal all the wounds, but it will surely help you get compensated accordingly.
At the law firm of Hakim, Toma & Yaldoo, this is what we’re all about: helping people injured in auto accidents get justice.
Call us now at (855) 558-8250 for free consultation.